Invite team members

Invite your colleagues, share best practices and get going together!
Written by Upscale Team
Updated 2 years ago

You can add your team members to Upscale by sending invites to them.

  • Go to Settings > User
  • Click on Add User on top right
  • Enter the details of your team members

  • Set the Governance Profile of your team member. By default, it is set as Default. You can update your profile permissions by going to Settings > Profiles.
  • Click on Send Invite

Resend invite

The verification link will be active for 24 hours from the moment you send the invite. To resend the invite to a user, go to Settings > Users and click on Resend.

Cancel Invite

To cancel an invite, go to Settings > Users and click on the trash icon against a particular user.

Related Articles

  1. Creating new governance profiles
  2. Update profile permissions
  3. Add signature to your email
  4. Purchase phone number
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