Purchase phone number

Get domestic and international phone numbers and get going on your cold calls.
Written by Upscale Team
Updated 2 years ago

You can make domestic and international calls using Upscale. To place calls from Upscale, you should purchase a number from the list of available numbers and countries.

  • Go to Settings > Phones or Settings > Voice
  • Click on Add Phones on the top right
  • Choose the user for which you want to purchase the number. You can also purchase a number for All users in the organization.
  • Choose a Country from the dropdown list

  • Select any number as per your choice. If you are unhappy with the listed numbers, you can click on Refresh to get a new list of numbers.
  • Click on Purchase

You can purchase multiple phone numbers in a similar way.

Related Articles

  1. Manage purchased phones
  2. How are incoming calls routed?

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