Call Disposition

Define potential outcomes of your concluded call with a prospect
Written by Upscale Team
Updated 3 years ago

Call Disposition describes the outcome of your concluded call with a prospect. With one-click, it removes the need for taking long notes after each and every call thereby saving your time. 

It gives sales managers valuable insights in assessing the call turnouts which they can use to optimize their team’s sales performance and process. Upscale helps you to record the outcomes of both answered and unanswered calls.

You can add, edit and delete call dispositions.

Add a Call Disposition

  1. Go to Settings > Calls > Dispositions
  2. Click on Add Disposition
  3. Enter the name of the disposition
  4. Choose a response status* (Answered/Not Answered)
  5. Click on Save

Edit a Call Disposition

  1. Go to Settings > Calls > Dispositions
  2. Hover over the Disposition you want to edit and click on the pencil icon. 
  3. You can edit the name of call disposition and the response status* (Answered/Not Answered)
  4. Click on Save

To delete a call disposition, hover over the disposition and click on the trash icon, then click on Yes, Delete.

*Note that Answered calls will result in the prospect being marked as finished in the workflow while Unanswered calls will  move the prospect to the next step normally

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