Execute daily tasks

Take a look at how you can perform daily assigned tasks.
Written by Upscale Team
Updated 2 years ago

Upscale makes it easier for you to perform your daily tasks at ease.

To view your daily tasks, head on to the Dashboard. On your Dashboard, you will be able to see 3 sections - Today, Week, Month. By default, Today will be selected. If not, quickly click on Today and scroll down to Today's Task section.

You can view all your tasks for the day here. By default, the tasks are sorted by due time in this view. Click on the prospect you want to perform the task for. A dialog box will appear with the relevant task. You can go ahead and execute the task. 

Once completed, you will be automatically redirected to the next task for the day.

Quick Tips:

  • You can simply click on the first task in the list. This will queue all your tasks for the day, one after the other, based on due time.
  • You can also sort the tasks by Priority and click on the first task. This will queue all your tasks for the day, one after the other, based on priority.
  • If you want to perform a specific type of task at one go, let's say complete all the call tasks at once, then you can simply click on the specific tabs (Emails, Calls etc..) against Today's task and then click on the first task. This will queue all your similar tasks for the day, one after the other.

Related Articles 

  1. Create new task for prospects
  2. Execute specific task
  3. Best Practices to execute tasks like a pro
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