Managing Triggers

How to clone, edit, delete, and re-order existing triggers?
Written by Upscale Team
Updated 2 years ago

Create clone of existing trigger

You can create a trigger by simply cloning existing triggers.

To clone a trigger, hover on existing trigger and click on Clone icon > Trigger will get copied! You can now click on the copied trigger and change the rule that needs amendment.

Edit existing triggers

If you wish to change the way in which trigger is designed, then you can simply de-activate the trigger for sometime and edit it. 

To edit a trigger, click on existing trigger from the list of triggers > You will be redirected to that trigger! You can now make amendments to any field and Save it. 

Delete existing trigger

To delete a trigger, click on the trash icon against the corresponding trigger, then click on Yes, Delete. 

You can also re-order the sequence in which triggers are executed by dragging and dropping respective field. You can also re-order the actions inside a trigger in similar manner.

Related articles

  1. What are Triggers?
  2. Creating Triggers
  3. Managing Triggers
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