Workflow Prospects

Check out the status of your prospect in a workflow and take actions accordingly.
Written by Upscale Team
Updated 2 years ago

When you assign prospects to a workflow, each prospect will behave in a different way. These responses to your communication are clustered into some statuses. These statuses will act as a direct indicator of prospect's interest in your goods or service. 

Your prospect can be in any of the following stages:

Status Description
Pending The prospect has been added to workflow but workflow hasn't been enabled yet for them. 
Active The prospect is currently going through the workflow. 
Paused The process of reaching out to prospect has been paused.
Finished (Replied) The prospect has replied and the workflow is no longer running on the prospect.
Finished (No reply) The prospect gave no response to the steps undertaken in the workflow. 
Opted Out The prospect opted out of receiving any further communication.
Unsubscribed  The prospect has unsubscribed from the mailing list of the company. 

You can easily update the status of each prospect using the options in the ellipsis on the right hand side of the particular prospect. 

Change status to Actions
Active You can activate a prospect from Pending status by clicking on Activate option. 
Paused You can pause an active prospect by clicking on Pause option. If you later wish to resume the prospect, you can simply click on Resume option.
Finished (Replied)

You can manually mark a prospect as replied by clicking on Mark as replied option. Alternatively, prospects can be automatically marked as replied when 

Finished (No reply) The prospect gave no response to the steps undertaken in the workflow. 
Opted Out The prospect opted out of receiving any further communication.
Unsubscribed  The prospect has unsubscribed from the mailing list of the company. 

  • To update status to Paused

Related Articles 

 1. Mark Prospect as Replied or Finished

 2. Jump steps of workflow for a prospect

 3. Remove Prospects from a workflow

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