Assign prospects to workflow

How to assign prospects in a workflow?
Written by Upscale Team
Updated 2 years ago

Assigning prospects to a workflow is the most basic step by which you define which prospects become part of a workflow. You can assign a prospect to a workflow through any one of the following ways:

  • From list of workflows
  • From list of prospects

From list of workflows

  • Go to the Workflow section.
  • Hover on the workflow in which you want to assign prospects.
  • Click on Assign prospects CTA.
  • You can assign prospects either by prospect name or tags.
In case you are assigning prospects from multiple tags, you have to choose between All of and Any of. You should choose Any of if you want to assign all prospects who have atleast one tag out of the mentioned tags and you should choose All of if you want to assign only those prospects who have all the tags in common. 
  • Click on Assign.

The prospects will get assigned to the workflow. 

Alternatively, you can also go to a particular workflow, click on Prospects tab on top and assign prospects from here by clicking on Assign Prospect CTA.

From list of prospects

  • Go to the Prospects section
  • Hover over the name of the prospect you want to assign.
  • Select the Add to Workflow CTA.
  • Select the workflow you want to assign the prospect to.
  • Click on Add.

The prospects will get assigned to the workflow. 

Alternatively, if you want to assign multiple prospects to a workflow, you can select the prospects from the list and assign prospects from the list by clicking on Add to workflow CTA.

🤔 Confused? Not sure why your prospects didn't get assigned to workflow? Here's why -

When you assign prospects to a workflow, an action report pops up in case of failure. 

You can have a look at it to understand the reason behind its failure.

Failure reason Description
Prospect already active in this workflow You can not add a prospect to a workflow if the prospect is already active in this workflow. 
Prospect already active in other workflow(s) This is governed from Ruleset > Safety settings. If you wish to allow prospect to be added to multiple workflows at a time, you will have to change this setting from Rulesets.
Prospect has opted out Opted out prospects can not be added to any workflow. This ensures that you do not reach out to any opted-out prospect by chance.
Prospect has unsubscribed This is governed from Ruleset > Unsubscribes. If you wish to allow unsubscribed prospects to be added to the workflow and skip all future email steps, then you will have to change this setting from Rulesets.

Learn how to remove a prospect from workflow

Related Articles 

  1. Jump steps of workflow for a prospect
  2. Pause a prospect in workflow
  3. Mark prospect as replied or finished
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