Create workflow from Blueprint

Want to learn from industry best practices? Create a workflow using blueprints and see the results!
Written by Upscale Team
Updated 3 years ago

Not sure about the workflow you want to follow? Don’t worry, it’s Upscale to the rescue! Follow these simple steps to create a workflow from Upscale curated blueprints which are based on the best industry practices - 

  • Go to the Dashboard.
  • Click on the Actions tab on the right
  • Select the Create Workflow option.
You can click on the Actions tab and create a workflow from any page. Alternatively, you can go to the workflow tab and select the create workflow CTA. 
  • Click on the Blueprint option > On doing this, the list of blueprint workflows will appear. 

  • Select the workflow that you think would be most suitable for the task at hand. On the right side, you can preview the contents of the workflow before you proceed.
  • Click on Create & Customize CTA at the bottom > The Workflow Details dialogue box appears.
  • You can edit the name of the workflow, sharing setting, ruleset and schedule as per your convenience.
  • Click on the Proceed button and your workflow is all set to go.

You can now customize the workflow steps according to your requirements. 

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